Choices for Your Best Satisfaction in Lockport, IL

Call our friendly techs at Gordon’s Heating and Cooling Service now at

Unlike other HVAC companies,techs at Gordon’s Heating and Cooling Service will not rush to suggest the purchase of an entirely new heating system.Our techs are keen in ensuring they deliver the best services while saving your bucks.Before recommending a replacement,our techs will evaluate your existing HVAC and ensure there is no more life left in the old one.

Rest assured that our HVAC technicians will do everything possible to revive your existing heating system.

Our goal is to get your existing system up and running again as quickly as possible while keeping costs down. Naturally, if your system is worn out and not worth fixing, we’ll tell you.

If that’s the case, it will be up to you to decide how you want to proceed. The choice will always be yours – with no high-pressure sales tactics.

Gordon's Heating and Cooling Service

Contact Us

For Home Heating repairs, contact us online or call us today at (708) 866-1327.